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Needs Finding for Personalized Learning


  • Conduct a set of teacher, student, and parent interviews to understand how to focus your transformation work. 

  • Collect interview data that will be used to develop your design challenge in Workshop 2: Challenge Definition. 

Due Date:  The following activities should be completed prior to Workshop 2: Challenge Definition (2/9/017)

Step 1: Assign and schedule your needs finding interviews: (15 minutes)

Your team must conduct 6, 30 minute interviews total: 2 student interviews, 2 teacher interviews, and 2 parent interviews. We recommend dividing up the interviews across your team so that each team member only has to do 1-2 interviews. The purpose of these interviews is to gain a deeper understanding and empathy for the real needs and challenges of the people you serve. We recommend picking people that represent extremes (e.g. highly motivated vs struggling) instead of the average. 


Step 2: Conduct your interviews using the provided guides

Please make a copy of the following interview guides. You are welcome to add or modify any questions to suit your needs. You will bring your notes to the next workshop to debrief with your team and analyze the findings.

Assignment: Conduct Needs Finding Interviews and Observations
​These are empathy interviews NOT job interviews. Your goal is to uncover needs and figure out how you should focus your transformation work. This is difficult because many of us try to put our best foot forward during an interview or observation. In order to get to an authentic, vulnerable place with your interviewee:
  • Interview with empathy. Put yourself in their shoes and do not judge. 
  • Ask them to tell stories, e.g. "tell me about a time when", ask about feelings, reactions, beliefs
  • Take a beginner's mindset. Interview with fresh eyes and ears, act like you never taught before
  • Keep asking deeper questions until you start to uncover real needs or challenges
Step 3: Once you have completed all of your needs finding interviews, share your notes with your entire team. 
We expect all team members to have reviewed the interviews so they are prepared to discuss and analyze the findings. You receive your first drafting poster in Workshop 2 and be defining your design challenges. 
Drafting Poster #1
School Design Challenge
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